Enterprise SEO Expert &
Advanced SEO Consultant

With over 15 years of experience in the field, I specialize in designing and executing SEO campaigns that deliver remarkable results, skyrocketing my clients’ websites to double-digit growth in under a year 🚀

Let me share some exciting career highlights that demonstrate the power of my expertise.


How I’m different


I have over a decade of experience implementing SEO strategies for high-traffic enterprise websites that require an in-depth analysis due to their complex nature.


With a background leading digital marketing strategy for brands, I am committed to increasing revenue and lower CAC through advanced organic search campaigns.

1-1 Advisor

As an independent SEO consultant, I work directly with my clients, helping them navigate implementing advanced SEO tactics and strategies.

Advanced SEO Expertise

Luxury E-Commerce

Luxury e-commerce is a competitive space, but with my guidance in on-page SEO strategy and technical SEO, a luxury e-commerce company experienced phenomenal growth. The organic search traffic surged by an impressive 500% leading to an increase in sales of $500,000. By leveraging the power of SEO, we elevated their online presence and helped them achieve outstanding success.

B2B Manufacturing

In another remarkable achievement, I took charge enterprise SEO for a B2B manufacturing company. Within a span of 6 months, we achieved an astounding 1.6 million additional organic search impressions and an impressive 50,000 more clicks. These results boosted the company's online visibility and they became a market leader.


Imagine leading an SEO campaign for a software startup and witnessing their organic traffic skyrocket by an impressive 100% within just three months. But it doesn't stop there! This successful endeavor also resulted in a remarkable 30% increase in conversions, helping the startup thrive in the digital landscape.

When it comes to elevating your online presence, achieving exceptional growth, and optimizing your digital strategy, you can trust me to deliver remarkable results. Let's embark on a journey to transform your business and unlock its true potential in the digital realm. Contact me today to discuss your goals and how I can help you achieve them.

Get in touch with Nick